Austria and bike porn
Riding in Austria for only a day and one morning I am in the saddle, finding my body and mind on a roller coaster, mirrored similarity to the hills we are experiencing. We are heading for the Czech border, Lake Lipno.
The journey has instantly changed course becoming hard despite 43 days of what i thought was conditioning for this. Still, I am loving it.
Like foreplay, slowly building up, down, up, up, hurting, but good hurting, flowers , yellow and meadows , far as eyes can see, white flowers, cut grass, freshly turned soil, pines, scents, the sun burning, wind tickling the body, drowning out sounds, then symphonies of bird calls, buzzing and tractors, fears of not reaching the top, teasing the mind then euphoria of a summit and rushing down the other side. All too soon and another climb. Panting, gasping, loosing control, resting, wet, vibrating, hands, feet, ears. Then it’s cold and body tingling, then hot, cold. Breath vapour, sun behind clouds. This is not a boring ride, even the farms, smell of manure, all part of the play, experience, feeling alive and strong. This is tingling and this is sensual. On and off the bike, it’s heavy, and some descents so steep, even considered getting off for a down hill as the road dips out of sight.
I am still smiling, and thinking of the bike porn film festival I attended a year or so ago. A good looking bike easily turns my head…..but….porn?
Finally I get it.
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