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June 2013

Romania, Gruia to Corabia

Since my short ride uphill without luggage I have been contemplating off loading my winter gear which takes up the majority of one pannier and about 4 kilos. Just in case, and for once we hit altitude, it’s all packed at the bottom, along with my rain gear. A merino …


Shops and toilet rolls

Monday 24th June…..Li is sick. 2 days prior on our 1st whole day in Romania we discovered banks, shops and accommodation are all to be far more scarce than in the other rural areas we have travelled through. We had enough cash and food for a few days, also carrying …


What I think about when cycling

What I think about when I am cycling ….seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven…..seventy two, seventy three….it’s an incline and its like a furnace, my mind wanders I don’t remember beginning to count, seven, eight,nine, ten, eleven…..eighty eight…..counting the repetition of the pedals. I never finish counting and seams I never …


Belgrade is not an aesthetically beautiful city, but there is beauty everywhere. As we crossed the bridge into the city we received many welcomes and statements to “enjoy Belgrade”. We certainly did. People smile, speak to each other and offer help, constantly. We rode immediately to KC Grade Sava Mala, …


I have had the fortune of traveling many parts if the world experiencing contemporary dance and theatre. Gypsy Roma Urban Balkan Beats are an absolute blessing to stumble upon and this group of very talented youth speak for them selves. I don’t understand a word but they have really moved …