Thank you Robin
Robin is one of our oldest Australian come London friends having known us and our foibles in both Hemispheres. Robin was with us the night we deceided to share our individual dreams of riding to Australia. Rather than try and talk us out of it,…. or point out that our imagination bubbled forth after our only unfavorable experience of dance at Saddlers Wells, resulting in early departure and a pint too many… agreed to join us on our first leg from London to Paris. Thank you Robin for the company, your amazing navigatioin, and waiting patiently with Li atop every hill. Thanks for being a friend and not suggesting an end to this journey despite experiencing first hand, my distaste for hills and my naivety towards the world and mostly……thank you for a triumphant lunch, including four of my favorite things, champagne, french onion soup, steak tartare and a very decent creme brûlée. However i have now considered 12 months in France searching for the perfect Brûlée is not such a bad aspiration.
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