Blogging as a novice on a bicycle tour

The ” Adventure Cycle Touring Handbook” by Stephen Lord, suggested if you want to blog about your travels, start the process about 6 months before your trip. I think I skim read that part 6 months ago and noted the wisdom 1 week before our departure.
I am not overall computer literate and Li who is so much more adept still struggles with the platform. If you are like me, do not believe WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr are as simple as we are lead to believe. My first attempt with Tumblr, my password became my URL.
After much research… a week, a few hours here and there between packing up our lives…..Li managed to set up web hosting with TSO and as our platform. A minimal charge for hosting but potentially less than blogging with the free platform, Assuming we get many visits from others…..or more likely, myself!
OK, we had a platform. We needed a logo. Gimp was apparently easy….we gave up and paid a graphic artist through “Fiverr”. Damn good price but we didn’t like the logo. Back to Gimp and perseverance. Lots of perseverance and…it will do. More perseverance and managed to load it onto the header of our site. We have learnt a lot, and realise there is a lot more to learn. All without a single photo or web log.
On the road I put pen to paper every day. Putting it on the net is a different saga altogether. I still need to learn the ins and outs of tidying the platform into something more presentable. And we need free wifi. This is sporadic like our time. Cycling every day is hard work, finding wifi is harder work , and they don’t always meld together. We are looking for rest, water, food, communication at ground level, the spoken word. Most importantly, Li the human GPS is looking for the next route. I will continue to persuade her to blog.

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