The loss of our friend
The loss of our friend saddens me. He joined us our second day last day day in Turkey. The comfort and trust was mutual, immediate.
Li was waiting for me after I was detained due to roadworks 15km past Artvin. As I finally approached Li I spotted him, but unlike with others I did not stop, just slowed down knowing he intended no harm.
No words were spoken, he just joined us for 1km….2km….15km… the tea shack he sat, watching us, when I moved he kept a close eye……until we all moved on again….next destination….together.
I called him Ody…..Odysseus…..Odyssey……he obviously did not understand English.
Ody was odd and one of those annoying friends in a terrifying, thrilling, loving, can’t live with….without, kind of way. He had a death wish and we were terrified he could take us with him. But he was also protective… Li disappeared around the next bend, he would come back and check on me….then off again to be with Li…..and then sometimes, to share the love….he would again pad along with me. Through numerous tunnels, climbs and short descents……if only he would not chase cars! Our fear he would be killed, or send a car perilously into us.
Day one with Ody ended when we coasted quickly 8km into the small town, Borcka……Ody turned into a tiny speck in my rear view mirror…..and was gone.
Ody the crazy German Shepard had first found Li as she waited for me as a man had been pelting stones at him. Unlike other dogs he did not chase us…..merely followed.
Day 2……Ody found us at the main intersection as we prepared to leave Borcka……he was so happy……I was so happy…..briefly….because he again began to chase cars. Not all friendships are perfect.
So more tunnels, more climbs…..resting….I feed him bread as it is all I had…..he waited patiently, he ran heroically…..he chased cars….more climbs. I started to worry…..we would soon be at the border with Georgia…..could Ody sneak through….I worried more…..chasing cars…..would Ody be killed. I dreamed…..a life with Ody!
We entered some clouds, nothing visible….then the police! Is that your dog? Ody chased cars…..screeching of brakes….car horns…..the police ignored the chaos in Ody’s wake…..actually a police dog joined in the chase.
A cloud, then waterfalls, lush tea plantations, cloud, the Black Sea, cloud, sun…..the most beautiful descent. Stopped for photographs….Ody very hot, kept up on the down hill and cooled down in a puddle. Photos done, the remaining descent……speed….chasing cars……Ody becoming a speck…..still following…..I want to slow down…..problematic……I resist my brakes…..15km…..where is Ody?
We wait at the bottom…..not long enough……
I miss Ody…..we miss Ody.
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