Czech Republic maybe day after….hills!
Leaving Passau, and Germany was a breeze. It has been raining in the evenings but not during the past 3 days and as we hit the saddle the sun started to shine. After a rest day to plan our route, legs were feeling strong, body and mind fit and we complete 35 kilometres well before lunch often sitting on 25km hour. This was getting easy! The route we have followed from Donaueschingen the start of the Danube river has been mostly flat, with enough hills to stop us getting bored, even a few that at a gradient if 20 percent got us off our bikes, these hills were few and far between. At 35km we real sides we were no longer in Germany despite no markers to state entering Austria, the route continues along the river all the way to the Black Sea.
We chose to exit at this point and head north towards Prague. (Cocky and finding the ride easy we are scheduled to be in Vienna for a rendezvous and are traveling too fast.)
Not fast for long, immediately we climb for 4 kilometres a gradient around 16 percent at a guess. The legs feel it, lungs gasp but we both make it to the top and decide it isn’t so bad……and hills for next 40km. I am having a beer my legs are feeling it but the ride is sensual and beautiful and I like Austria, the little I have seen makes my body and mind sing.
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