Hello Georgia
Feeling immensely happy, feel like i am glowing….despite being covered in mud. Sitting in a cafe in Batumi, Georgia. Life is treating us so extremely well. We have located the Azerbaijan consulate and will shortly book into a hostel, get passport photos and apply for Visas for this, our following country…..after a brief detour back into Turkey.
Riding across the border from Turkey the change of culture, architecture, is immediate. So is the driving style! The driving is more chaotic than any I have encountered and to make sure we don’t get bored, the road surface has also deteriorated drastically. There are traffic lights…..round abouts…..but apparently no rules. Maybe, red, means go?……..Fortunately the drivers are kind and every now and then one lets us merge into the non existent lanes. Others toot and wave and hopefully continue to keep one eye on the road. It is strange for me to view women with short skirts, without head scarfs.
So we are back at the Black Sea, this time pebbles instead of sand, more ramshackle charm than the built up sterile resorts we witnessed in Bulgaria. Last night, rather than ride into Georgia, in the dark, we camped meters from the sea, still in Turkey, in a muddy but secluded area hidden from the road. We were also meters from the road, but confident not to be disturbed, as no one in their right mind…….would tramp through the bog…..to our refuge……
I am drinking coffee…..but have dully noted on the menu a huge drop in the price of beer, compared to Turkey…..ok…..shortly I will be drinking beer……and later I intend to sample the wine Georgia is renowned for. We have been relatively dry in Turkey, because of the heat, and often because of its absence in rural areas. It is only 10.30 in the morning but of course we are celebrating country number 12 so it must be close to beer o’clock.
I look forward to parking the bikes…..after our dry ish spell one beer has an effect. Gamarjoba Georgia……oh….can anyone tell me if I am back in Europe, or still in Asia?
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